Monday, October 5, 2009

Timpanogos Storytelling Festival

For all Writers and Writing Coaches at SLCC's Community Writing Center, The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival is beginning its first-ever Fall Intensive program the week of Oct. 19th. Teachers, storytellers, writers and family historians are invited to participate in this fantastic opportunity to learn the art of historical retellings with Syd Lieberman, one of the finest storytelling experts with experience teaching at the Smithsonian Institution and the Kennedy Center.

Syd and his wife Adrienne will guide participants one-on-one through the research process and use of original documents, and provide writing and editing tools to fine-tune stories and create a sense of time and place. Participants will also enjoy field trips to various Utah locations and special performances of Syd's award-winning stories, including One Righteous Man: The Story of Raoul Wallenberg, which was presented at the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.

Please see the attached document for more information about this unique opportunity. Registration is available with or without accommodation and can be purchased online at

Thank you,

Krystin Anderson

Orem Public Library Publicity

(801) 229-7379

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