Thursday, August 20, 2009

Will the waiting pay off? Yes it will

Please know that although you may not feel as though you are doing much just sitting there waiting for writers to show up for assistance, your very presence is advertising the CWC and our programs. In the end, that is nearly as valuable as helping a writer.

We would like to commend the tremendous dedication of our Off-Site Writing Coaches: Chrystine Lee, Kevin White, Steven Duncan, Jerry Puckett, John Robinson, Paige Mehlhoff, Steven Warren, Carl Yutrzenka, Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt, Helen Radkey, MaryJane VanBurn, Holly Welker and Dylan Winslow.

If you would like to become an Off-Site Writing Coach we currently have two positions open.

More Details.

~Rachel, Volunteer Coordinator

~Christina, Off-Site Program Specialist

1 comment:

John Wilkes said...


I would like to help with this. Depending on where the sites are. I could be available.

E-mail me. CWC should have my info.

John Wilkes